Myofunctional therapy is a program of specific exercises that target the facial muscles used to chew and swallow.
These exercises strengthen the tongue.
Myofunctional therapy includes exercises that are meant to improve the strength of the muscles within the oropharynx, including the tongue. In addition, it helps to reinforce the proper position of the tongue within the mouth.
The oropharynx is the part of the body that includes the mouth and throat. In simple terms, it is a tube lined with muscular tissues. These muscles help us to eat, talk, and breathe.
Do You Suffer From Any Of These?
Mouth Breathing
Orthodontic Relapse
Chronic Tension
Mood Disorders
Jaw Pain
Toxic Oral Habits
Tongue Thrust
Chronic Headaches
Swallowing Difficulty
Poor Posture
Sleep apnea
Speech Problems
Digestive Issues
If you suffer from any of the above, please contact me.