Dr Anastasia Vasileiou graduated the six-year medical school of «Carol Davila» (UMFCD) Bucharest with the speciality of the doctor Stomatology. Through her maternity, she started paying attention to the main functions of the growing human being and how those are much connected with health. She travelled to Los Angeles 2013 to learn Myofunctional therapy and to work digital orthodontics among with.
Since then she attended many congresses and follows Myofunctional Sciences all over the world. She attended at the 1st International Congress AAMS at Los Angeles with a scientific poster representation and at the 2nd AAMS Congress at Chicago with a presentation for “Mouth close campaign for symmetrical and healthy children”. She has treated hundreds of patients babies, children and adults with Sleep Disorders.
Her vision is to spread the news to the medical world in Greece! View her Myofunctional Therapist page here.
Are you having trouble breathing, eating or sleeping?
If you are, then please fill out my free health questionnaire. What is great about the health interview is that you get to learn about small changes, which come from great knowledge, can change your health status. I offer an exclusive session with my patient to complete a myofunctional questionnaire with me, checking out the shape, the movement of the tongue, the way of masticating solid food, and the function of swallowing and breathing plus sleeping patterns. This is available to you online for free.
This is only 1 and a half months into the treatment of Orthodontics and Myofunctional therapy.
Dr. Anastazia Vasileiou is an amazing and .... persistant doctor! I had my first training dinner (opposite the Parthenon and the temblies of the Gods) in January 2019. For one year centimetres of fat kept vanishing away ... disappearing... and my body started shaping! My clothes grew "bigger" !!! Ha, ha! I had to change them! Just by doing "tongue exercises" and chewing properly! Thiw year we continued with taping and the next protocoles and ... here I am now with less weight, no smoking, better face oval, better shaped muscles, better body posture!
Because when you - gradually - stop mouth breathing... the need to smoke - slowly - softly - "silently" - in an autonomus way - effortlesly - disappears....
What I have realised is that my tongue posture affects my body posture and by shaping the tongue I shape the body!
Thank you, Anastazia! Words are not enough to express my gratitude! May Goddess Hygeia and God Aesclepios inspire you and help your work!
Mougnai MRP Aigli
There was a time when I was under great pressure... my son being 17 months old... having visited several doctors.They all told me to stop breast-feeding, to make the baby eat, in order not to ruin his teeth. And afterwards - fully anaesthetized - to correct and fix his teeth. My mistake was that I hadn't called you from the beginning and now I am so trully regretful. Since the day you came, my son who hadn't been eating anything, is progressing a lot. He also practises the correct breathing - the way you taught us - we practise as much as we can because sometimes in his sleep he withdraws the tiny appliance. I am also practising Emoji And above all - and I want to thank you so much - the most important is the paste, the remineralization paste. His teeth are improving, their state has stabilized, but I can tell you that there is improvement in many places. I am eager for all those circulation restrictions to end so that we can see you again. Thank you so much for everything from the depths of my heart! Sorry if this text is too long, but I wanted to tell you all this because you are a rare doctor!!!
This is all true, you saved us, I am not exaggerating.
As for the paste, he loves it, he takes it by himself and eats it !!!
Eugenia Nika
My dear Anastasia, I don't remember if I had ever thanked you for the therapy, the treatment you gave me. You can't imagine, every day I think of you. Thank you so much for everything!
You can't imagine the consequences that your treatment had on everything and I was thinking - many times- that I hadn't told you "Thank you".
And I BREATH! I "breath" better! If I haven't written anything, I have neglected it. Besides, I strongly feel that I owe you so much, moderately speaking, YOU HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE!
Karantonis Nikolas
Anastasia is an innovative scientist who inspires you, she makes you see the organism as a whole, a holistic view. And she has wonderful equipment to support her patients in whatever they may need, and with her best mood and approach.
Myofunctional in combination with orthodontic appliances is for me an essential experience of awareness and respect that it starts from the world of mouth and tooth and spreads all over the body. The ability to create your own path and speed of treatment. It has freedom.
— M.S